Quality Standard Poodles in black, blue, apricot, cream and parti-colors located in Michigan
Rivers Edge proudly presents.......
Michigan's FIRST Standard Multi-colored Poodle
to earn a UKC Conformation
Champion title!!
"UKC CH KS Unique Angelique RN CGC"
Angele was not our first encounter with a parti poodle.
"Penelope" a miniature parti came into our lives through our grandmother
some 40 years ago.
Little could we imagine that we would one day be the proud owners
of a beautiful parti girl of our own in the "Standard" size.
Thanks to the UKC accepting the multi-colored poodle in the show ring in 2004,
we decided it was time to add one to our lives again as well.

Parti Poodles, although AKC registered
are not allowed in their Conformation Ring at this time..........
but can show in AKC performance events and earn titles!!!
AKC Earned Rally Title |
December 2, 2006
Jaxon Kennel Club Inc.....East Lansing, MI
Novice B Rally Trial, Qualifying Score--Third leg
November 4, 2006
Companion Dog Training Club.....Flint, MI
Rally Trial, Qualifying Score--second leg
August 5, 2006
Berrien Kennel Club....Marshall, MI
Rally Trial, Qualifying Score--first leg
March 4, 2006
AKC Earned CGC |

UKC shows-Conformation
Retriever Club Specialty....Premier 2007--Reserve Champion

New UKC Champion
February 17-18, 2006
UKC Canine Activities & Tradional Sports (CATS) Kalamazoo, MI
Show 1
First Place, Best Female, Best of Breed
Gun Dog Group 4th place
Show 1 and 2
First Place, Best Female, Best of Breed

December 3, 2005
Best Junior Female
2nd Place Reserve Best Female MCSTPDL

June 18, 2005
UKC Premier All Breed Show, Kalamazoo, MI
Best Junior Female
Reserve Best of Breed MCSTPDL
May 14, 2005
UKC K9 Fanciers of Michigan, Kalamazoo
Best Puppy Female 1st place
Best of Breed MCSTPDL
Show 1 and 2

Can I help it if I'm sooo photogenic?

Angelique has gone above and beyond our expectations for her.
She has produced a number of special offspring which currently includes...
five UKC Grand champions, one of which also earned an AKC Championship title
and two UKC champions.
Here is a list of some of them...
UKC Champion Ref Mozaic Miss Marquette
UKC Grand Champion "Ref Mozaic Josette Silk N Style"
UKC Grand Champion "Mozaic Say I'm Unique"
AKC Champion, UKC Grand Champion "Ref Mozaic Shimmer N Blu Velvet"
UKC Ch Ref Mozaic Mars Bar At Midnite
Her grandchildren are already proving themselves as she has....
five UKC Grand champions and four UKC champion!
Her titled Great Grandkids are too numerous to mention here
but we couldn't be more happy with what our Foundation parti girl has accomplished for us!!
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