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Quality Standard Poodles in black, blue, apricot, cream and parti-colors located in Michigan
UKC Ch Mozaic Classic Deuce's Wild RN
aka Maverick
Sire: UKC CH Classic Koch Chubby Checkers
(first multicolored poodle to earn UKC breed title)
Dam: Cherdon's Parti'n Unique
Maverick carries and has produced brown, brown and white, blue, blue and white,
black, black and white and cream puppies. Check out our Past Pup page for photos.
His puppies are robust and have gorgeous coats of hair.
They are intelligent and have great temperaments.
We said Good-bye to Maverick August 2020.
He was three weeks short of his 14th birthday!
We really miss this big boy. He was a wonderful companion..
Maverick has earned an AKC Rally Novice Obedience title.
July 11, 2008
Holland Michigan
Kennel Club
3rd Qualifying score........Rally Novice B
June 8, 2008
Mount Pleasant Michigan
Kennel Club
2nd Qualifying score......Rally Novice B
May 10, 2008
Midland Michigan
Kennel Club
1st Qualifying score....Rally Novice B
March 7, 8 2008
Kalamazoo, MI
K9 Fanciers and Michigan Classic
Best Male Show 1 and 2 and Reserve Male show 2
My playful parti boy!
Who could resist this face?
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