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Michigan raised Quality Standard Poodles in Black, Blue, Apricot, Cream and Parti-colors
Minarets Ref Tiara Del Sol RN
Tiara is your typical home body. She is a no fuss, quiet dog who enjoys lounging around the house.
She is very much the snuggler.
One day after Tiara arrived from Oregon to our home.
Tiara one year old.
AKC Shows.....Rally Obedience Novice B
July 12, 2008
Holland Michigan Kennel
Marshall, Mi
1st leg
November 11, 12 2008
Greater Muskegon Kennel Club and Kalamazoo Kennel Club
Grand Rapids, MI
2nd leg
Third leg and Title earning a score of 99 out of a 100.
Tiara practicing for her upcoming Rally trials.
Tiara is the mom of Riley and Jewel.
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